Facebook flat out decrees that users have absolutely no right to privacy. It should be illegal…period! What the NSA, and all the sites on the web do, is just plain wrong.
There is no really good excuse for all the spying that occurs from software vendors. Google has to be doing this on purpose, so I suggest not using it at all, until they can actually fix it, which I am certain they could, if they wanted to do so.įYI, I have BING as my Chrome search engine and use Immunicity to keep the nosy SOBs from Google at bay. Yet when I use Google Chrome for anything, the next time I boot, it turns Chrome back on. to be able to see the hidden files, and I searched all of the Google files meticulously for the reinstall app. I likewise used a UNIX command in terminal. I already know how to remove items from my startup, and I also know how to access the startup files in the operating system.
I agree whole heartedly, it is at best a temporary fix.